
Yuchiku Rinoie is a Feng Shui master who has spent her life immersed in the study and teaching of Feng Shui, and brings a unique perspective to the practice of this traditional art. The one and only descendant of a royal family of Feng Shui masters to Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, she began her apprenticeship at the age of three.
Rinoie has written more than 200 books on the subject – selling over 6 million copies altogether – and shares her knowledge with both major corporations and innumerable individuals through her writing as well as through in-person seminars, lectures, and television appearances.
She was named an honorary ambassador for Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) in 2011 in recognition of her work.
Based on her philosophy that “Feng Shui is the study of how to create an environment which will attract fortune”, she combines traditional practices and philosophy with her own modern feminine sensibility to counsel people not only on living spaces but also in everything from clothes and food to home and behavior.

Feng Shui Advice for Corporations

  • “Moppy”, a new character for Universal Studios Japan
  • Product collaboration for HELLO KITTY Jewelry
  • Product development for DyDo Drinco’s “Feng Shui Fortune Tea”
  • Product development for Belle Maison
  • TO THE HERBS, a Feng Shui Lunch Menu“Ogosho Feng Shui”, a product to commemorate the 400th Birthday Anniversary of Ieyasu Tokugawa
  • Korea Tourism Organization’s “Power Spot Seoul” tour to commemorate her inauguration as Honorary Korea Tourism Ambassador
  • Japan Tourism Board’s “Rurubu” Tour Packages
  • Tobu Railway’s Ekiben or boxed lunch, “GOOD LUCK EXPRESS”, to commemorate the Tobu Nikko Line’s 80th Anniversary
  • MARNI Fashion Accessories
  • Paul Smith × FIGARO Japon Cosmetic Pouch
  • Beams Product
  • L’OREAL Japan’s BIOTERM cosmetic products
  • Konica Minolta’s “Artistic Feng Shui” planning and production
  • Dr. Ci:Labo×Hakone Kowakien “Dr. Ci:Labo VIP Room”

… and many other Feng Shui advisory engagements

Major Television Appearances

Regular Appearance
「笑っていいとも」Waratte iitomo or “Let’s Laugh” (CX series)
「稲垣吾郎の吾郎のソナタ」Inagaki Goro no Goro no Sonata or “Goro Inagaki’s Goro’s Sonata”
「稲垣吾郎の吾郎の細道」Inagaki Goro no Goro no Hosomichi or “Goro Inagaki’s Goro’s Narrow Way” (TBS series)
「すっぴんテレビ」Suppin TV or “No makeup TV” (Tokai Television)

She has appeared in many TV programs, including:
「金スマ」Kinsuma or “Friday Smap”
「王様のブランチ」Osama no brunch or “King’s Brunch”
「めざましTV」Mezamashi or TV “Alarm (wake up) TV”
「はなまるマーケット」Hanamaru maketo or “Hanamaru Market”
「TVタックル」“TV Tackle”
「たけしの誰でもピカソ」Takeshi no daredemo Picasso or “Takeshi’s Anyone Can Be Picasso”
「やじうまプラス」Yajiuma plus or Busybody Plus”
「こたえてちょーだい」Kotaete chodai or “Please Answer”
「ナイナイサイズ」Nainai size or “99 Size”
「おしゃれイズム」Oshare-ism or “Fashionism”
「チューボーですよ」Chubo desuyo or “Saturday Night Chubaw!”
「ライオンのごきげんよう」Lion no gokigenyo or “Lion’s Have a Nice Day”
「これマジ!?」Kore maji!? or “Are You Serious!?”
「怪傑えみちゃんねる」Kaiketu Emi channel or “Marvel Emi Channel”
「ぴったんこカン・カン」Pittanko kan kan (a tourism variety show)
「おネエMANS 」Onee MANS (a variety show)
「誰だって波瀾爆笑」Daredatte haranbakusho or “Everybody Bursts Into Laughter (a variety talk show)”
「踊る!さんま御殿」Odoru! Sanma goten or “Dancing Sanma Palace”
「あっぱれ!さんま新教授」Appare! Sanma Shinkyojyu or “Well Done! New Professor Sanma”
「人生変わる一分間の深イイ話・風水SP」Jinsei kawaru 1ppunkan no fukaii hanashi fusui SP or “A Life-changing 1 Minute Significant Story ‒ Feng Shui SP”